I’m very excited for this month’s Recently post. Sometimes, it’s nice to talk about real things. My life, the world. It’s fun to stay light and bring you posts that are uplifting in this heavy world. It’s equally fun to talk about relevant things that have been on my heart as of late. These posts have become my favorite.
Are you burdened by this month and want to get back to neutral? Feeling heard is a great place to start. So if you’re feeling heavy, if the last month has got you down: Step away from CNN, please turn off Fox news, and just don’t even Facebook right now. Just stop. Call a friend, make Challah French Toast Casserole, and a push down a large French press full of coarse, rich, fresh coffee beans and talk it out.
Recently, I’ve been weighed down by…
Facebook. Such is a place to take that line that’s been drawn in the sand and dig it out even deeper with an industrial excavator. If you want to know what’s wrong with the world, let’s start there. You are never truly “heard” on Facebook. Dear World: your opinion on Facebook will not change the hearts and minds of your readers. Dear Karlee: you cannot change the world, either.
I know this seems archaic, naive even, but I believe the only thing that will change the world is love. It’s what saved Harry Potter, it’s what put a savior on a cross, it’s what we fight for every day of our lives.
Let’s love our neighbors. Let’s love our families. Let’s love that acquaintance who happens to have a different opinion (go figure!). Let’s look inward at our own hypocrisies. Let’s not stop there. Let’s change. Let’s not bury it deep inside. Let’s wrestle with them and come out the winner.
Who’s with me!?!
You know what’s funny? That’s not the right word, what is it? Interesting? No. Horrifying, that’s the word. Do you know what is truly horrifying about this whole thing? I’m not one bit surprised. I’d venture to say 99% of women aren’t at all surprised about this. Because we are all equipped with personal stories. And these stories remain hidden because — it was just a joke, she had too much to drink, boys will be boys, she had it coming, she just wants attention, she takes things too seriously, it was just a bb gun, right? It’s strikingly easy to justify crimes of power.
Those phrases have pacified generations of women into silence.
Let’s get light, shall we?
Recently, I’ve been watching…
Law & Order presents The Manendez Brothers. This disturbs me on so many levels but I cannot stop watching.
The Long Shot on Netflix. Terrifies me for multiple reasons.
Sabrina the Teenage Witch is on HULU and has calmed me to my crime-show-loving-core. Mellisa Joan Hart was the ORIGINAL adorkable.
Recently, I’ve been eating…
Apples, apples, apples!!! Maybe it’s the season or maybe it’s because of it’s grab-n-go nature, but I’ve been eating an apple for breakfast every day! They are so perfect. I hope I never get sick of them because they are my life-blood.
Recently, I’ve been at…
The doctor’s office. Every time I turn around I have another appointment on top of another appointment. But, the great news? I have a FULL and clean bill of health from that finicky lump to my dental check up. All is well in the neighborhood. Which, for a hypochondriac such as myself, feels very unsettling. Like, what should I worry about now? Which is why I’m still going to yoga and constantly trying to do cardio. Cardio is my Type One Diabetes Achilles heel. Can’t seem to get it right.
Recently, my Type One has been…
Friends, I just celebrated my one-year mark. It’s been a full year since I’ve had a functioning pancreas. This year has seen a lot. There has been good, there has been bad. I am officially on my way to buying the second best thing to a pancreas: a insulin pump! This thing is so smart, it communicates with my CGM (constant glucose monitor) to add or take away my constant flow of insulin. Yes, just like how your pancreas works! I’ll still need to bolus (count carbs and administer more insulin every time I eat a meal) but other than that, a lot of the guessing game will be eliminated. Which will make it easier to run and it will make it easier to get back in shape!
Recently, I’ve organized my spice cabinet!
You may have seen on my stories that I ordered these spice jars and these mason jars
to organize my spice cabinet. I was having a honey of a time trying to find the cumin or that finicky little cream of tartar. But now, I’m flying through spices and my organizational heart is happy. I can’t tell if this is just enabling my OCD but??? I’m loving it.
Recently, cake cake cake…
Yep, still going strong on the cake game. Can’t stop, won’t stop. Fortunately, this helps me save up for a better lens $$$ and save up for my financial nemesis, Christmas. Why is Christmas so expensive!?!?! It’s not fair. Spoiler alert… Saint Nic isn’t real, and I have to buy presents. Fortunately, Daniel is an AMAZING gift giver so I leave it all up to him. I just budget and make cookies. Okay, that got a little off subject but WHATEVER, I’m getting cheese fries.
Recently, I’ve been making…
GIF’s! It’s been super fun. I don’t see an end in sight. It just reminds me of Harry Potter’s moving pictures. I mean, you know. It’s been fun telling a story this way, but it will never take over my first love: still life.
All right! That does it for October. Thanks for listening and for always being such an amazing support for me. I love being able to be myself with you guys! Can’t wait to get back to more food! Next month’s “Recently” post may or may not be coming to you live from a Princess Cruise ship! Seriously fun! Do you think they will let me do a “Cooking with Karlee” there? I hear they are very accommodating.
love you. recently and always!
You are adorable! And I’m “with you”- too much negativity and not enough love and happiness. Have a great weekend Karlee!
Thank you, Mary!!! Isn’t that the TRUTH!?!?! Hope you had an awesome weekend, Mary!