Another round of recently! I’ll be honest, today’s post is going to start a little real and a slightly raw. But, it’s where I’m at and I don’t want to wax poetic.
Recently, I’ve been…
Processing. Truthfully and embarrassingly, I googled the life expectancy of a type one diabetic and realized I’ve lived half of my life already. This has caused a spiral effect of emotions to process: body image, health, infertility and #midlifecrisis.
Okay, but because I just have to be positive and I don’t want to stay in this place forever, I’ve been doing a few things that kind of help me when I get in this space:
- I love my scheduled, predictable life but routine can easily turn into a rut if you’re not careful. I’ve tried my best to go on random walks, stop by a store I’ve been wanting to visit and take time to be with my friends and family, friends who I consider family and family who I consider friends.
- In an effort to remain thankful about my body, no matter how many times it fails me and no matter how strong my urge is to hide it, I actually posted a few full body pictures of myself on the blog. No fear, no shame, I’m just thankful I’m alive. My body may not work like everyone else’s, but I am alive.
- Put on Sinead O’Connor and cry. Okay, JUST KIDDING. I’ve been trying to take it easy on myself. Here is a quick round of things I’ve done to help
- Booked a Mexican Cruise!
- Filled the house with spring flowers.
- Cooking, baking, cooking, baking, cooking, baking…
- Eating fruits and veggies and focusing on healthy food – not calories.
- Drinking more water.
- Bought a new outfit for Easter 🙂
- Date nights out & movies in. (I gotta say, I love my husband)
- Church.
- Making my bed.
I am more than a statistic and I have a beautiful, crazy, messy and awesome life. So, if I really only make it to 68, with no kids or eye sight to speak of, it will be a good life.
Recently, I’ve been asked…
How do you start a food blog? And the answer isn’t simple, that’s for sure. But I’m happy to answer any and all questions about that! Just feel free to e-mail me, comment on this post or head to my contact page. Here is some great advice if you’re thinking about starting a food blog, IMHO.
- Start on WordPress.
- Try to buy a .com
- SELF HOST – I host through Bluehost and I gotta say, love it.
- Buy a nice camera. I started on a Canon EOS Rebel T5i
and It was perfect.
- Use a free template at first. There is no need to buy a nice template until you have more content to fill it with.
- Do it for the right reasons. If you don’t love food, writing, content creation and photography, you won’t love having a food blog.
- Dive in. You won’t be good at first. And you will know it. But you will get better. Don’t believe me? Here was my first post. I leave it up to remind myself of how far I’ve come.
Man, I am loving lists today!
Recently, I’ve been using…
A lot of flour, sugar, eggs, butter, buttermilk and vanilla. BEEN MAKIN’ SOME CAKES LATELY! I’ve kind of been loving it. Making cakes used to be stressful but now, I’ve just relaxed into it and make them as they inspire me.
Recently, my Type 1 has been…
Kind of terrifying. BG in the 50’s regularly and occasionally a 415 will pop up. I’m still so new to this game. I feel like I’m constantly finding out more and more things I’m at risk for. I know that I’m getting better at it but it’s just going to take some practice. I still have approximately 37 years to figure this thing out. (She said jokingly).
Recently, I’ve been thankful for…
My guy. Cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of him! He works so hard all day long, pours love and care into his baseball team and comes home super late and exhausted. But he still figures out how to make me feel like I’m the only person in the world. Plus, he puts up with my crazy antics and still pretends that I’m a completely, normal, sane person. Round of applause for Daniel.
Recently, I’ve been loving…
All these things on the internet that I want. Let’s talk about this couch from anthropology, mmmkay? I might use my living room way more if I was snuggled up in pink velvet. I’m also kind of obsessed with getting an Instant Pot ASAP. Currently wondering if I can pull off this skirt. I’ve also been loving eating these sweet ginger pork flavor bowls lately. Kind of back on the one-bowl-dinner trend and don’t see an end in sight!
Recently, I’ve been eating…
Fresh fruits, crisp veggies and glucose tablets 🙂
Okay all! I hope you guys have a great Friday! This weekend is going to be full celebrating Daniel’s birthday! There will be baseball, NBA playoffs and I’ll be making a full authentic Mexican meal with lots of friends and family! So thankful for this guy!!!
Ouch Karlee-I don’t know what to say-except that I want you to know that wile I only know you through this blog (which by the way is my favorite!}, I keep you and your health struggle I my thoughts and prayers-I hope in some small way it helps. WOW! The cakes are beautiful! You definitely have talent and patience! Stay on course with your positive attitude-but know that it is ok to cave in once in a while. Thinking of you with love-Mary
Ouch Karlee-I don’t know what to say-except that I want you to know that wile I only know you through this blog (which by the way is my favorite!}, I keep you and your health struggle I my thoughts and prayers-I hope in some small way it helps. WOW! The cakes are beautiful! You definitely have talent and patience! Stay on course with your positive attitude-but know that it is ok to cave in once in a while. Thinking of you with love-Mary
Thank you so much, Mary! I always look forward to your comments. Thanks for all your encouragement, always. And I’m happy to have him too!
P.S. I’m glad you have Daniel in your life! Mary
What a great round up. Thanks for being you and sharing the real stuff! Be good to you and take it all one day at a time. Xo
Awe, Thanks, Erika 🙂