Easy Browned Butter Cast Iron Cookie

Browned Butter Cast Iron Skillet Cookie

There has to come a time in your life when you say “I can’t live without” and insert chosen poison. For me, it is butter, and lately it has been browned butter. My favorite pasta dish from The Old Spaghetti Factory is, in fact, browned butter and mizithra. (Making a mental note to make this for dinner soon). My favorite cake is Browned Butter Cake with a Salted Bourbon Caramel Drizzle. There is just something about the nutty, smokey taste that I just can’t get enough of!

Now, the desert island question, you know the one where someone asks you what food you would take if you were stuck on a desert island and you could only have ONE food item. I remember being asked this as a ten-year-old and taking the question very seriously. What food was it that cured my home-sickness when I was away for basketball camp? What food was it that I could never wait for it to cool before I ate it? What food have I literally never been sick of?

The chocolate chip cookie.

I still need to post about the best chocolate chip cookie recipe. But while we wait for that, I’m going to marry two of my favorite things in the world and give you what I think is pure genius.

Ladies and gents: The Browned Butter Cast Iron Skillet Chocolate Chip Cookie.

Easy Browned Butter Cast Iron Cookie

She’s not fancy, she’s not high society. Also I hate calling objects “she.” But it’s the most delicious thing you have ever tasted. If you don’t have a small cast iron skillet, just double the recipe, because this cookie deserves to be made again and again.

It’s also in the shape of a pizza, which is the second food item I would bring if, and when, I get stuck on that desert island that multiplies a lifetime of your favorite foods. Actually, being stuck on a desert island with pizza and chocolate chip cookies sounds pretty good to me right about now.


Browned Butter

Easy Browned Butter Cast Iron Cookie.

Easy Browned Butter Cast Iron Cookie


Easy Browned Butter Cast Iron Cookie

Easy Browned Butter Cast Iron Cookie

Easy Browned Butter Cast Iron Cookie


Browned Butter Cast Iron Skillet Cookie

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This easy browned butter cast iron cookie recipe brings the chocolate chip cookie to a whole new level. It is smokey, nutty, chocolatey delicious.

  • Author: Karlee Flores
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 25 minutes
  • Total Time: 40 minutes



1/2 cup sweet cream butter

1 cup brown sugar, dark

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1 egg

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips


Preheat oven 375 degrees.

In a small cast iron skillet (9 inch), melt the butter over medium-high heat. Continue to cook until the butter browns, about 3-5 minutes.

In a standing mixer with a paddle attachment, put the brown butter in with the brown sugar, and stir on low. Add in the salt, baking soda, and egg in the mixer and continue to stir on low for another minute. Add in the flour until incorporated and then add in 3/4 cup chocolate chips.

In the same cast iron skillet line the bottom with a pre-cut circle of parchment paper and pour the batter in. Spread the batter evenly and sprinkle with the remaining 1/4 cup chocolate chips.

Bake in the heated oven for 23-25 minutes. Wait for the cookie to cool at least 10 minutes before serving.


If you don’t have a small cast iron you can use a 9×9 square glass pan.

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